Monday, August 31, 2009


RACE - Hammerhead Olympic Triathlon - Camp Blanding -
1.5K swim / 40K bike / 10K run

Swim - 24:45
T1 - 1:45
Bike - 59:37 (4th fastest overall)
T2 - 0:48
Run - 45:02
Total - 2:11:55 / 3rd place AG & 11th OA

Weekly Totals:
Swim - 2 workouts: 1hr23min
Bike - 3 workouts: 5hr20min
Run - 2 workouts: 1hr5min
Core - 1 workout: 30min
Race - 2hr12min

Total : 10hrs 30min


AM - Saturday road ride -
* Started early at around 6:30 am - did Nocatee loops (all 3) then looped down thru Roscoe road to Landrum then back on 210 to A1A - then went straight down A1A to Gate Station (put in a little effort here) - refueled at Gate and then straight back home. Was a tad bit under 3hrs (2:53, i think) - no t-run - saving the legs for HOT tomorrow.


Lunchtime - Treadmill run
* Just did 25 min EZ on the 'mill at the gym at lunchtime. Just did 10min super ez WU, then did 10min at fairly easy *7:45 pace - then did 5 min CD.

PM - Swim at Brooks
* Did 200 WU as 100 ez / 100 kick then did 10 x 100 at t-pace then did 500 CD pulls (paddles/buoy)

total swim time = ~ 40min

Friday, August 28, 2009


PM - Group Ride
* County Line Ride - had a good ride, was a little windy in some places. I tried to do a bunch of work up on the front and Radd and I threw in a couple of attacks here and there (nothing really stuck)......... total ride time about 1:40 / 34miles

Thursday, August 27, 2009


PM - Swim & Run
* Swim at Brooks - did 200 wu ( 100ez / 100 kick) then did 4x400 (with first 100 at very hard effort then settled in for 300) - was trying to simulate race situation where there will be hard effort to first buoy. Felt pretty good on those efforts (5:39 [1:10] ; 5:42 [1:16] ; 5:42 [1:19] ; 5:52 [1:20] ) -- then i did 5 min cd with pull buoy / paddles.
Total swim time = ~ 43 min
* After the swim I went out for a tempo run around the office park by the gym - ran on the sidewalk and did 2 miles WU (7:42 ; 7:44) then did 2 miles @ tempo pace (7:02 ; 6:43 ) - it started pouring rain right when I was starting the first mile so it kind of threw off my pace a bit but I settled in for the second mile. After that I did a mile CD - 9min (jog pace).
Total run time = ~ 40min

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Lunchtime - Core workout
* Just went to gym at lunchtime and did 30 min of core stuff and stretching.

PM - Velobrew Crit race
* Raced the cat 4/5 class - had a ton of fun. Really cool event put on by Velobrew guys at the Morocco Shrine temple parking lot off of St Johns Bluff..... I won my class - got $20 in prize money, socks, t-shirt, water bottle, and pizza gift certificate. Total distance was short - we rode 30min + 2 laps = only about 12miles. My avg speed was 24.7 for the whole time so that was good - mainly sat in about high zone4 for most of race. I think next time, i'll cat up to the A class (cat 1,2,3) combined.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

8.24.09 (Sunday on a Monday)

PM - Long(ish) run
* Ran down through Ponte Vedra in the neighborhood to Corona and then ran straight back down the Blvd back to house. It was a good run - hot, but I wore my hydration belt (love that thing). I did ez pace for first 30min - then picked up pace on Blvd. back to the Inn and then just cruised on home. Finished up with 1hr1min.

* This worked out since I missed doing my long run on Sunday due to the racing - I just decided to call Sunday an "off" day - even though I raced the TT, but that was only 11min. I still had to get in a run - because the only other run I had was on last Wednesday - for less than 30 min. I think I did the right thing because I needed to let my legs rest. I was having some weird pains and soreness in my knee & hip. I don't think that it would've been a good idea to train through those pains, especially in a recovery week. But I did get in an hour run (on Monday) and I'll call that the end of my recovery week and now I'm moving into a "Bust 'Em Up" 2-week set. I know that doesn't fit in with Friel's Periodization names - but it'll be like 2 weeks of "peak workouts" with an olympic race on Sunday Aug 30th.......

Totals for week:

Swim - 1 workout; 40min
Bike - 3 workouts; 5hr35min
Run - 2 workouts; 1hr27min
Other: surfed 1hr30min on Sat morning
Race: 4.92mi TT in Nocatee - finished 3rd place cat4 - 11:02 / avg speed 26.8mph

Week total - 7.75 hrs training (recovery week)

Monday, August 24, 2009


AM - TT in Nocatee - 4.92 miles total distance - got 3rd place in cat4 - time was 11:02 ; avg speed 26.7 mph

PM - signed up for crit race - but flatted on the second lap.

Bummer end to the day - was feeling good and was thinking that it was going to be a good race. Didn't get in a run at all. Actually haven't ran since last Wednesday. I'm gonna head out for an hour run on Monday night.

That'll be end of this recovery week - getting ready to bump up some intensity starting on Tuesday.

Hammerhead Olympic Race is Sunday - looking forward to that.


AM- went surfing for a couple of hours before doing an ez ride - rode for about 2hrs with DocLuv and Abrass. Just an ez spin down through Nocatee and back. Nothing hard.

PM - TT race postponed until Sunday


** Took the night off from anything - was going to run but decided to just work on my bikes instead. **

Thursday, August 20, 2009


AM - Swim at Brooks
* Did 200 WU (100 ez / 100 kick) then did 2x1000 - 1 set at t-pace; 1 set with paddles / bouy. Times not that important - just used this to keep up my stroke. Felt good in the water. Might try to get in an open water swim tomorrow (Friday)

PM - Group ride - Countly Line Ride
* Did County Line ride - got DRENCHED within 5min of starting ride, but had good ride after it stopped raining - did 3 intervals (about 90 sec each at high intensity) just to shake up the group and to test my legs. 27 - 30 mph felt pretty easy. I didn't push it into the redzone at all - just kept it steady and then would drop back for full recovery. then sat in the group until we got to the BLVD and then just went steady - stayed off the front the whole way - started with Shawn, Travis, and some other guy. Second pull through, Travis adn the other guy dropped off, then me and Shawn kept it steady ALL the way back to the Lodge. SOLID effort for the last 10mins.

Felt good - I'm ready to RACE on Saturday -- the TT is gonna get slayed!


PM - EZ run -
* Just did quick ez run around neighborhood. Mellow pace - probably between 7 - 7:45 / mile. total time only 26min

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


PM - Mellow spin - 27 miles - total time 1hr 35min

* Rode down to South parking area at Guana Reserve - just rode solo nice and easy. Kept hr low - mostly in the 110's to 130's -

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


*Took Yesterday (MONDAY) OFF - Recovery Day** -- no workouts planned. Was a good thing too, because Steph was sick so we spent all night in ER (from 11pm to 6am) - worked from home and took care of Steph. Just did some stuff around the house in the pm. My knee which was sore from Sunday feels fine now, so that's a good thing.

So this coming week is all about "Recovery" and letting the past three weeks soak in. I'm REALLY looking forward to it!! Gonna do the Nocatee TT on Saturday, which will be fun. Other than that I don't have anything hard planned. My goals are to limit my rides to 2hrs or less and keep my runs in check with a 30min on Wednesday, 20min t-run on Saturday, 60min or less on Sunday (7miler). Swims will be same - just want to get in the pool or ocean at least twice.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


AM - Long Run - 15 miles

* Did 5 miles up front with DocLuv - steady pace at about 8:15/mile, then did group run at steady pace - mainly kept it 8:15 mile. Was really HOT and HUMID. Went through a bunch of water, 2 gels, 3 Endurolyte pills. Finished up with last two miles at 8:40 - 9min / mile. Was a good confidence boost - i think this is my longest run ever. My right knee is sore - will definitely back off this week with low volume / intensity and get rested up.

Weekly totals:

Swim: 2 workouts; 1hr 24min

Bike: 3 workouts; 7hr 50min

Run: 4 workouts; 3hr 31min

So the theme of this week was "Confidence". It was kind of a two-fold thing -for one, I put in some hard and long miles on Saturday. I had planned on going out for at least four solid hours without any big group ride in the middle - so to get almost 5 hrs with a solid steady effort - i'm stoked. I had figured that I needed to get the feeling of straight riding so that when I'm racing, i'll know the feeling. Also, my Sunday run was a little longer than what I truly needed but, that was my longest run ever so i'm pretty stoked to have that accomplished. I ran fairly steady splits at just over 8min mile with some super hot weather. The other part of the "Confidence" thing was that I've stuck to my plan for the past month - three hard weeks with solid workouts and now a recovery week. I'm sure that those three weeks coupled with some good recovery will help me boost my fitness. My riding is pretty darn good right now, which I'm stoked about. My running is there - not fast, but the miles don't intimidate me anymore, and my swimming is getting smoother and easier with each session.

Total time - 12hr 45min

Saturday, August 15, 2009


AM - LOOONG Ride / Run
* Did 105 miles / 4hrs 50min with S.Burke - rode south down A1A then St.Aug, then down past Marineland to Palm Coast and back - rode steady effort HIM pace for most of ride - this was GREAT Ride - went through 6 bottles, 3 gels, 2 CliffBlok packs, 1 pack FigNewtons, 1 XL Redbull, 5 Endurolyte pills. Came home and got in close to 30 min run - ez pace.

Friday, August 14, 2009


AM - swim at Brooks
* Did my own swim workout - even though the master's class was going on - did 200 WU, then did 3 x (300,200,100) - with 30 secs recovery between sets. Times = set 1 -> 4:20.96 ; 2:57.81 ; 1:27.70 ; set 2 -> 4:22.24 ; 2:50.48 ; 1:20.40 ; set 3 -> 4:11.09 ; 2:50.31 ; 1:20.50 . Then did 5 mid CD with buoy and paddles.

Total time 43 min / 2300 yds


PM - Trainer ride - had originally planned to do some time trial practice on the course in Nocatee but the rain was steady and roads were wet so I ended up on the trainer, but that's okay b/c I had a great workout anyways. I did a 20 min warm up - nice and easy and then went into my first 15 min interval - i had my tri bike on the trainer so I got into position and went hard - increasing intensity every 2-3 minutes. With 1min to go, my legs were burning but stayed on it and finished strong - HR was around 173 max - but stayed around 160 for majority of interval 1. Then did 5 min recovery spin and then hit it again for 15 minutes on - this time I stayed steady with a little higher cadence but my HR was instantly higher - spun hard and fast (95-105rpm) for the entire 15 min. Then did quick CD spin recovery and then jumped out for a quick t-run. I just wanted to do my 2.3mile loop -- started off and felt pretty good - decided to as hard / fast as possible for first 10min - hit mile 1 at 6:30 then kept pace up for next 3:30 then just backed off and jogged rest of loop - total run was only a little over 16 min. Felt good to shake out the legs.

Total ride time = 1hr
Total run time = 16 min

* Good quick workout -- not much fluff - did the work and got it done. Its amazing how much faster i feel running when I don't throw 4hrs of riding in front of it!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


PM - Trail Run at UNF
* Ran the outer loop twice - 1st lap = 22:35.13 , 2 min recovery / drink & then 2nd lap = 20:20.28 NEGATIVE SPLIT!! Ran hard on lap 2 - pushed myself for last 10min hard. Everything felt fine (knee, hip, etc) - only little issue was my heel which is still a little raw from Sunday- needing that to heal up soon. Good run.

total time = 45min

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


AM - Swim at Brooks
* Got to pool around 6:15 - feeling fatigued - - probably from training & not getting enough sleep - even though was in bed by 1030 pm. Tossed and turned all night - must've been that beer I had with dinner.

Anyways, so i did 2 x1000 yds with 5 min CD - skipped any warmup b/c water was cold and I wanted to keep moving - set 1 @ 16:17.07 ; 2min recovery ; set 2 @ 16:10.96 ; then 5 min cd with paddles / buoy.

Total time = 41 min / ~2400yds

PM - group ride - County line
* Got in about a 15min warmup then met up with group and did the Nocatee loop. Felt pretty good out there. A couple of sections had some stiff headwinds but overall it was a good ride. Right at about 40 miles total for 2hrs (including wu and cd).

I tried to run afterwards but my heel is still a little raw and I decided to not irritate it so that I could have a good trail run tonight. I'll do my brick on Thursday after I do my TT practice in Nocatee.

Monday, August 10, 2009


* OFF * Recovery Day !!! No planned workouts at all - will do some stretching and get on the roller. Probably need to work on the bike some too. Planning on doing the crit tomorrow at the Morocco Shrine put on Velobrew. Should be fun - maybe try to ride a little after to get in some miles. Feeling tired today - will want to get some good sleep tonight. Goal is to be in bed by 10:15!!!!!


AM - Group run - 13 miler

* Ran at 6 am for 3 miles upfront (ez pace @ around 8:30/pace) then with group did the 10 miler - averaged about 7:35 pace for first 8 miles of the 10 - then had to drop to about 8min pace for the last two. My right knee is kind of sore - not sure what's up with that but will keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't get any worse. Didn't bother me on the run - but noticed it yesterday afterwards. Total run time was close to 1:45.

Totals for week:

Swim - 3 workouts; 1hr 38min total

Bike - 3 workouts; 6hr 35min total

Run - 4 workouts; 3hr 21min total

Core - 1 workout; 30 min total

Total training time = 12hrs 4min ( a lot of it was at high intensity!)


AM - Brick - Long ride + t-run
Started early at about 6:45 (wanted to be on the road by 630, but coordinating too many people makes that about impossible). The group started off with me, Stephanator, RadPop, DocLuv, Joe Barton, Dave, & Greg Keller. We headed down PV Blvd to do a loop through Palm Valley (the old Saturday lodge ride route) at an ez pace (mostly 16-18 mph). We were just chatting and not riding hard at all - kind of an extended warmup to get ready for the group ride. Then we met up with the group ride - couple of weird things - my bottle flew out of my rear mount TWICE and me and Rad had to bridge up - that took a lot of energy, but when we finally got on the group, we sat in for a couple of minutes and then the attacks started. Curtis, Burke, and Rad were off the front on the second spoke, so I bridged up and then we sat up for a second and then Kopp came FLYING by us, I chased and we ended up in a breakaway with me, Jeff, Karel, Rad, and Steve Petit. I was thinking that Curtis and Burke were going to either bridge up or they would drag the whole group up to us. But we stayed away for the whole ride. Pulls were between 27 - 30 mph for about 30secs to 1min. Definitely a hard effort. After the grouper, me and Rad headed down to the Gate Station with Shawn "Hercules" Francis. Mellow 20-22 mph then refueled and headed back. On the way back we had a solid group of me, Rad, Burke, Hercules, & Tony M. - solid 24 -26 mph pace made that part go by quick. (Total ride time = ~4hrs) After I got back to the house I did my t-run, which felt ok - not great, but got it done ~26min. I need to map that out so I know the distance. Was a GREAT day of training!!

Ride time = 4hrs
Run time = 26 min


PM -
Quick 15min swim - open water - ez

*Tour De Pain was going on so kind of cool to see a bunch of people running while I was swimming. It started getting dark so I just swam down to 16th Ave and then jogged back on the beach. Just a quick little swim to loosen up. Felt good.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


a.m. SWIM at Brooks

Did about 300 WU - some ez free and some kicks; then did 500-400-300-200-100 at increasing pace (7:39, 5:57, 4:36, 2:56, 1:23) then did 5min CD with paddles/buoy.

Total time 40min

PM - Group ride - County Line Ride
Finally got to ride this ride without any rain - seems like its been a really long time. Group started out big - 15-20 people. Never got too fast and it stayed together most of the time. I didn't feel like i had any power in my legs at all - I could definitely feel my hard run from last nite. Hips were really tight and whenever i got down I could feel some resistance in that area. Just need to stretch out better before and after these workouts. Other than that it was a good ride - didn't go too hard anywhere except at the end - but had to dodge a stopped car on the Boulevard and rode through the wet grass - was kinda crazy - luckily I didn't bust my ass! RadPop was there too - I think he's liking these Beach rides - glad to see him out riding again. He's a great training partner.

After the ride - did a quick 20min t-run through the neighborhood. Felt good - just went ez and towards the end of the run I felt my Hr was nice and low and my legs were just on cruise control.

Bike time = ~1:35 / 35 miles
Run time = ~ 23min

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Lunchtime - Core workout / stretching



Did about 15 min WU around the block; then 5 x 2min intervals (max effort) with 1:30 - 2min recovery between each; then did about a 12 min CD. This was a great running workout - was raining lightly during the run which kept it cool and was nice to be just running around neighborhood - up 1st street and down 2nd street - no traffic was nice. I also wore my new shoes - felt fine as i expected.

Total time ~ 47 min

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


a.m. Swim at Brooks
Did 100 kick + 100 ez wu; Then Did 3x500 at t-pace+10 (7:58, 8:03, 8:01) then did 10 min CD pulls with bouy/paddles

Total time ~43min

pm - Trainer ride due to weather - just spun super ez for 1hr - worked out well because legs were still a little stiff - so probably was for the best. I'll figure that i'll hit it hard on Thursday nite for a group ride or at Hanna on the mtb.

~ 1hr

Monday, August 3, 2009


**off - RECOVERY** Gonna take today off - Definitely feeling the running volume in my legs. My right knee is a little sore, but not too bad. Will probably only do 3 runs this coming week to let the legs recover. The bike is feeling really good right now and should be getting some swim 'mojo' back soon - that seems to come back fairly easily. I did pick up some fresh new shoes yesterday, so that'll help with leg soreness hopefully. Will probably just do some good stretching tonight and use the stick.


a.m - Group run - did about 2.6 upfront with DocLuv and then did the 10mile route with group. Averaged 7:40 pace - but last three miles were at 8min/mile - first 3 were fast @ 7:20's...... very hot and humid. Total miles ~12.6 / time ~1:30

Weekly totals:
Swim - 2 workouts; 1:20
Bike - 3 workouts; 6:50
Run - 5 workouts; 3:40
Strength / core: 2 workouts; 1:00
Total for week: 12:50


AM - Road Ride - left early (6:40am) with Loveless and RadPop - did mellow spin / wu through Palm Valley then met up with Lodge group ride, a few moderate to steady intense efforts, then cruised down to Gate Station for refill bottles and then back home.
Total ride time = 4:15
Then did 30min t-run around neighborhood: felt pretty good considering the ride pace / volume. Overcast a little bit, which helped.

Day Total = 4:45