Thursday, August 20, 2009


AM - Swim at Brooks
* Did 200 WU (100 ez / 100 kick) then did 2x1000 - 1 set at t-pace; 1 set with paddles / bouy. Times not that important - just used this to keep up my stroke. Felt good in the water. Might try to get in an open water swim tomorrow (Friday)

PM - Group ride - Countly Line Ride
* Did County Line ride - got DRENCHED within 5min of starting ride, but had good ride after it stopped raining - did 3 intervals (about 90 sec each at high intensity) just to shake up the group and to test my legs. 27 - 30 mph felt pretty easy. I didn't push it into the redzone at all - just kept it steady and then would drop back for full recovery. then sat in the group until we got to the BLVD and then just went steady - stayed off the front the whole way - started with Shawn, Travis, and some other guy. Second pull through, Travis adn the other guy dropped off, then me and Shawn kept it steady ALL the way back to the Lodge. SOLID effort for the last 10mins.

Felt good - I'm ready to RACE on Saturday -- the TT is gonna get slayed!

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